Sunday, December 27, 2009

Faith is empty

I'm the needy one, He's the rich one.
I'm the foolish one, He's the wise one.
I'm the hungry one, He's got the bread.
I'm the thirsty one, He's got the water.

Faith is empty! ... and He is full.

It's the best news in all the world,
that we only have to be empty to be saved.

-- John Piper

When my best deeds still avoid a savior

Christians come to see that both their sins and their best deeds have all really been ways of avoiding Jesus as savior.

A Christian comes to say: “Though I have often failed to obey the moral law, the deeper problem was why I was trying to obey it! Even my efforts to obey it have been just a way of seeking to be my own savior. In that mindset, even if I obey or ask for forgiveness, I am really resisting the gospel and setting myself up as Savior.”

To “get the gospel” is to turn from self-justification and rely on Jesus’ record for a relationship with God. The irreligious don’t repent at all, and the religious only repent of sins. But Christians also repent of their righteousness.

- Tim Keller, “The Centrality of the Gospel”

Monday, December 14, 2009

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Not a task. Not a mission. Not a game plan.

Nothing new can be found inside of us. There is no inner rescuer deep in my soul; I just hear echoes of my own voice telling me all sorts of crazy things to numb my sense of fear, anxiety, and boredom, the origins of which I cannot truly identify.

But the heart of Christianity is Good News. It comes not as a task for us to fulfill, a mission for us to accomplish, a game plan for us to follow with the help of life coaches, but as a report that someone else has already fulfilled, accomplished, followed, and achieved everything for us.

-Michael Horton, The Gospel-Driven Life (Grand Rapids, MI; Baker Books, 2009), pg 20

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

We need a savior

The mood of Advent is that we are all lost. Advent isn't about the "saved" telling the "lost" to "get saved." Advent is a light that dawns in all of our darknesses. Advent is bread for all of our hungers. Advent is the promise kept for all of us promise-breakers, betrayers and failures.

Can we find a way to celebrate Advent as those who NEED to be saved? As those who NEED a savior? Not as those who know for certain that someone else does?


The key to Advent is not living as if we are the people of God and always have been. The key is to live as if we need a Savior, and he has come to us, found us, saved us and is there for everyone in the world.

The mood of Advent isn't "come be religious like us." It is "We are all waiting for our Savior to be born. Let us wait together. And when he comes, let us recognize him, together."

When the day dawns, let us all receive him. We go to the manger and worship. We give to him our gifts. We take his light to the poor.

Until then, we are the poor, the weak, the blind, the lonely, the guilty and the desperate. We light candles because we who are in darkness are in need of a great light. We need a savior.

source: here

Saturday, December 5, 2009

The obedience we have to have and don't have

length: < 2 minutes
(You may have to click play twice)

By John Piper April 20, 2007
The Nature of Saving Faith
ReFocus Conference

Source: here